Thursday, November 20, 2008


So I must admit that I was a little surprised when I just saw that Michelle had posted to the blog a little while ago. For some reason I had it in my head that we were "taking a break" from the blog for a while.

Anyways, now that I've given you my incredibly lame excuse for not blogging let's turn our attention to the matter at hand. Simply put, I need your help.

I play around with business ideas all of the time and I think I stumbled into one with a lot of potential. I call it and in a nutshell, it is an online service that allows users to securely upload and store all of their recommendations, letters of reference and resumes. The "special sauce" of the site is that it will verify that the letters of recommendation and references are legitimate.

I entered the idea in a business contest online hosted at Ideablob. I need everybody to vote for my idea at

Tell your friends. Tell your parents. Tell your neighbors. Tell that guy sitting across the room from you giving you funny looks! Then tell him to get lost (but only after he voted).

I need as many votes as I can get by Friday night so that I can make it into the finals for a chance to win $10K.

Thanks in advance for your support!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i voted and if you win, you'll share - right!!!!
your favorite aunt