Friday, February 06, 2009

Just a Little Bit More

I know. I know. This blog isn't about politics. It's not my fault that the Prime Minister of Turkey stormed off the stage like a toddler (There I said it!) after Shimon Peres gave one of the most impassioned political appeals that I have ever heard.

It's also not my fault that terrorists are bad people. Now I know that there are a lot of bad people all over the world, but I feel like it's important to set the proper context when delving into the world of politics. We need to know what we are dealing with.

For example, in Iraq, a woman was just arrested for organizing the rapes of more than 80 women. Why would anyone do such a thing? Because after you have the girls raped, you can convince them that the only way to regain their lost honor is by becoming a suicide bomber.

I guess after all of the weak minded targets are gone (because they have blown themselves up) you just have to create more using whatever means available.

Another example, though not nearly as extreme, is the armed larceny of food and blankets by Hamas police in Gaza. Never mind that the aid was being distributed by the UN to needy Palestinian families. Hamas has the guns, so they do what they want.

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