Wednesday, July 02, 2008

We're Fine

A few hours ago a bulldozer plowed into a passenger bus and several cars in a potentially politically motivated attack.

You can read more about the attack here

We just wanted to let everybody know that we're safe and sound.


racheariel said...

that was quite the tactful way of describing a terrorist attack!
but i'm super glad that you are both ok. I called Elana to find out, because I figured she'd have already talked to everyone I cared about (and she was a local number) ;) but i'm very happy you're fine.
stay safe!
and see you both soon.

Anonymous said...

I woke up to the news about this and saw the one bus over on the side and actually thought about how much you post about riding the bus but this is the first chance I've had today to get online and see if there was an update from you. I'm glad you guys are ok. I hope you stay safe.