Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Pizza Sababa....Where Everybody Knows Your Name, Address, and (Probably) Credit Card Number...

Yeah yeah, the title of the post really goes with Michelle's post from earlier tonight, but I highlight that to demonstrate that there are some things here in Israel that we'll miss when we get back to the US. One thing in particular that I DO enjoy about Israeli society is that it is significantly less litigious than the States. For example, when an intercity bus fills up here, the bus driver will let people stand/sit in the aisle even though it's technically illegal. The bus driver knows that everyone is in a rush and bends the rules to help a few people get to where they are going a little faster.

That kind of legal nonchalance would never fly in the US because the first person to take a tumble would sue the bus company for millions. I mean how could you ever use any mode of transportation ever again? An example of this was recently found at the Fox New offices. This crazy lady sued Fox News because her office had an infestation of bed bugs. The infestation was so bad in fact that over the course of 7 months she was bitten 3 whole times! In honor of her suffering I think that all super left leaning liberals should send a message to Fox News by officially boycotting Fox News in favor of CNN for the next 24 hours. Even if the article intended to write that she was bitten on 3 separate occasions, I still don't see how she can suffer from post traumatic stress disorder severe enough to stop her from working. Sounds to me like she had an infestation of the crazies.

Check back tomorrow to see if the boycott was a success.

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