Monday, January 05, 2009

Everybody's Doing It

Another common baby related question that we receive is whether Michelle and I have started thinking about names yet. Rather than answer that question at the moment, I'm going to follow a friend's advice and open the name up to your humble thoughts. Just remember, some people's suggestions carry more "weight" than others, so don't underbid. This is a limited time opportunity. Final bidding will close in mid-July. We are also open to corporate, non-name specific, sponsorships. For example, Baby Shain, brought to you with limited diaper changing interruptions by Ford.

Hey, if Blagojevich is doing it, why can't I?


Anonymous said...


Avi said...

You know, I've always wanted to name a kid Ploni or Almoni (or Plonit/Almonit if it's a girl) but Sarah won't let me. I think you should! All the cool kids are!

Anonymous said...

whats more important than the name itself is who the baby is named after. when you figure that out, unless its just the hebrew name, than you can acturally think of names.