Sunday, January 04, 2009

More Information

Yes, we're having a baby! People usually want to know more than that, though, so here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions:

How far along are you?/When are you due?
I'm 13 weeks, which puts me in the second trimester. I'm due July 13.

Are you going back to work after the baby comes?
Yes, I'll be going back full-time. Brandeis guarantees 8 weeks of maternity leave, but if I can get approval, I would like to stay home with the baby through the end of Sukkot, which would be 13 weeks. I'll keep you posted on the negotiations.

Is the baby a boy or a girl?
I don't know yet! Sex is detectable by ultrasound at about 18 weeks. Adam and I will be finding out the sex, if the baby cooperates by being in the right position, and we'll be happy to share the information with all of you after the next ultrasound.

How are you feeling?
Ugh. I had a miserable first trimester, with lots of food aversions, nausea and vomiting, not to mention exhaustion. I was actually losing weight. My wonderful OB/GYN eventually put me on Zofran (Ondansetron), an anti-nausea medication, which helped a lot, and I do feel much better now. But I admit that I was surprised by all the intense physical changes that come with pregnancy! Not to mention the emotional ones. (Did you see the Pampers Peace on Earth commercial? I was absolutely sobbing.)

Can I tell people?
It's on the Internet, so it's public! Most of our friends and family know by now, I think. I told my boss this past week, and I'll tell the rest of my coworkers on Monday. Kudos, by the way, to our parents and grandparents for keeping the secret for 8 weeks!

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