Monday, January 12, 2009

Visual Update

A quick visual update on the things we didn't blog about as we were ignoring our blog this fall and winter:

My mom and Richard came for Thanksgiving. This was a blessing both because we got to see them and because I was too sick to manage dinner all by myself. We spent Thanksgiving Day touring Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower II. Here are my mom and me at the Wampanoag Homesite:

And Adam and me at the 1627 English Village:

We were also "blessed" with a huge snowfall three weekends ago. Here is the view from our kitchen window the Sunday after the storm:

I think we got a full foot of snow.

Truly, this was about as exciting as life got for us during the blogging hiatus. I was too sick to do anything else photo- or blog-worthy!

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