Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Video Worth Watching

I'm not usually one for political blogging. I would rather use this space to update people about our lives rather than stir the proverbial pot. However, I recently watched a video of a panel discussion at the recent world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland, that centered on the situation in Gaza. Among the panelists were Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Amr Moussa, the former Egyptian Foreign Minister who now leads the Arab League, Israeli President Shimon Peres, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Durin the panel, Peres made an impassioned speech in defense of Israel. I can honestly say that I have never been as moved by hearing an Israeli politician. Especially since Peres has done as much or more for Mid-East peace than anyone in recent history. I strongly recommend everyone watch the video below to appreciate his passion not only for Israel's right to defend itself, but also the country's desire for peace.

Peres begins his speech at about 39:30 (you don't have to wait for the entire clip to load).

For those of you who watch the entire clip and would like to talk about/respond to the Turkish Prime Minister's behavior at the end of the panel, just let me know and it will be the topic of my next blog post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam,

B'Sha'ah Tovah!

Nice Blog.

I saw the clip with Peres a few days ago, he was excellent.

How're things going with you guys?